Our mission statement:
Aerial Experts mission is to enrich the lives of our clients by giving them new and far superior ways to visually project their messages to the world and in the process giving them a sustainable competitive advantage over all their competitors.
Our vision:
We envision a world where visual presentations of property and possessions routinely provide viewers with a better understanding of the subject than if the viewer had been there to inspect and tour it in person.
Our core values:
Take responsibility for the interests of our clients.
Cultivate of a spirit of innovation, creativity and enthusiasm.
Have a passion for excellence in all we do.
Strive to earn the trust of every client.
Be easy to work with.
Honor the achievements of those who made the world a better place.
Give back to our community.
Promote the joys and benefits of flight
Standards for our work
The finished product must exceed our client’s expectations.
Our video work must and grab the attention of the viewer, immerse him and hold his attention throughout the presentation.
The viewer must gain a more complete understanding of the subject matter than he ever thought possible.
Aerial Experts business philosophy
We do business the old fashioned way by building business relationships based on mutual trust. Here’s how we like to do business:
Create a risk free environment for our clients
Our work stands on its own merit. There is no need to rope you into written agreements or contracts. However, we will always inform you about what you can expect to receive from us, along with a firm written bid with all details you want. We can offer examples of comparable work so you will know what to expect from us. After we begin the project we will show you the results early in the process and get your approval to proceed along with your feedback. If you are not happy with the work, you don’t have to buy it. Each step of our long term projects is designed to stand alone in its value to the client. You can shorten or end an ongoing project for any reason with confidence, knowing that what you have already purchased will be well worth the money spent.
Make it easy to do business with us
We serve as an aerial newsgathering source for KBTX as their Sky-3, KWTX as their Sky-10, CBS, NBC, and CNN. Plus, we’ve done multiple rush projects for Governor Perry’s office, the TX. Railroad commission, emergency management and industrial “situation documentation” for countless multinational corporations. When the call comes in, there’s no time for negotiating prices or learning how the job needs to be handled. Our existing customers know from prior experience that they can expect swift, discrete reliable results. Great things happen when business share a mutual trust. Prices never increase just because the mission was high priority. We often shoot free samples of projects to show clients what’s possible with our unique equipment, no paperwork required. Requests for more work from our existing customers often sound like this: “Jim, I need you to go do your magic again.” After a brief question or two, we’ll know just what to do and they’ll know exactly what to expect. After a while, it becomes as simple as ordering a pizza
Exceed our clients’ expectations
You won’t find anyone in the video world that does what we do, or knows what we know. We are a giant leap above the rest of the pack. We invented our custom camera platforms because the rest of the video production world has set the bar so low. Sometimes we exceed our clients’ expectations. Just as often, we exceed their wildest dreams.
Make our product highly flexible
Return on your investment is all that counts. All of our missions are shot from a wide range of perspectives and angles. We throw in many shots that weren’t requested in the relentless pursuit of “that perfect photo or video clip”. We know that you will soon discover many new unplanned uses for all those extra shots. The more uses you can find for our work, the more bang you get for your buck. Our unique work is often considered newsworthy, making it much easier to get free advertising attention. When this happens, you’re going to appreciate all those extra shots.
Keep it all affordable
In many cases our manned aircraft is cheaper to operate than drones and it does a better job. We use drones also, but only when they are the best tool for the job. Our ground level fly-through camera platforms are so accurate that in most cases we get the shot right on the first try. These brutally efficient little beauties reduce production costs to a level that keeps our pricing in line with what you would expect to pay others for inferior work.
Understand our clients’ needs
Aerial Experts mission is to enrich the lives of our clients by giving them new and far superior ways to visually project their messages to the world and in the process giving them a sustainable competitive advantage over all of their competitors.
REAL creativity
When you look at marketing agencies or any other video production company in the entire state of Texas, by our definition there is very little REAL creativity left in the industry.
True creativity is inventing special and unique camera equipment that can do many new and exciting things that no one else can do, then skillfully using that equipment to improve the performance of our clients businesses.
Creativity in the marketing and video production business has been declining for so long that the expectations of clients have evaporated without them even knowing it. Everyone else uses the same off-the-shelf equipment and does the same thing, with a different coat of paint, and they call that creativity. Too often, their best creative work occurs when they are busy selling themselves as being unique and different. We are here to change all of this.
True creativity is not just about setting yourself apart from all others. It’s about teaming up with your business to put you in first place among your competitors. All of this must be done at a cost that gives you an excellent return on your investment.